Wednesday, September 16, 2009

John Day River Smallmouth

My grandfather passed away a couple weeks ago. It was pretty sad, he taught me everything I know about fishing. I grew up fishing with him on the John Day River in eastern Oregon for smallmouth bass and steelhead. So after the funeral my brother, cousin and I went down to Clarno along the John Day River. It was kind of a tribute fishing trip, a chance for us three to get together and do something we all love in a place that is very special to all of us. The fishing was pretty good. Water levels were low because it was the end of summer. But we had no problem finding bass willing to bite. We used soft plastic worms, and switched off using one of grandpa's old fly rods. We caught about 50 bass between the three of us, unfortunately none of them were over 10 inches long. Oh well maybe next time, it was still a great day to be on the river.